Induction of Protocorm-Like Bodies (PLBs) Phalaenopsis spp. Hybrids Mutation through Ultraviolet Irradiation (UV254) and Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS)





Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): MARCH


EMS, Phenotype, Mutation, Combination Treatmen, UV254
Received: Dec 31, 2022
Accepted: Feb 05, 2023
Published: Mar 31, 2023



How to Cite

Kurniadi, A. S., Irawati, F., Putra, S. E. D., & Hardjo, P. H. (2023). Induction of Protocorm-Like Bodies (PLBs) Phalaenopsis spp. Hybrids Mutation through Ultraviolet Irradiation (UV254) and Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS). Agriprima : Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 7(1), 1–15.


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Phalaenopsis sp. is the most-produced orchid species in Indonesia. Compared to conventional breeding, mutation induction by using mutagens, such as Ultraviolet Light-C (λ = 254 nm) (UV254) and Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS), could probably result in new superior orchid variants. This research aims to get some mutants with phenotypes that have visual differences in the Phalaenopsis spp. hybrids wild type. There were 4 durations of UV254 irradiation: 5’ on, 85’ off; 10’ on, 80’ off (1 day and 7 days for each treatment); 4 concentrations of EMS used in this research: 0.05%; 0.06%; 0.07%; 0.08% for 6 hours of immersion; selected UV254 irradiation (5’ on, 85’ off (7 days)) combined with these concentrations. UV254 irradiation treatment (5’ on, 85’ off (1 day and 7 days); 10’ on, 80’ off (7 days)) resulted in some mutants with leaf phenotypes that were visually different from the wild type; 0.05% EMS treatment resulted in PLBs mutant with a visually larger size than the wild type; 0.08% EMS treatment and combination treatments (for EMS 0.05% and 0.08% for each treatment) resulted in non-growing albino PLBs. Hence, mutation induction using UV254 and EMS in this research produced several most likely mutants having visual differences that may be more desirable than the wild type.


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Author Biographies

Agatha Sullivania Kurniadi, Universitas Surabaya

Fenny Irawati, University of Surabaya

Sulistyo Emantoko Dwi Putra, University of Surabaya

Poppy Hartatie Hardjo, University of Surabaya


Copyright (c) 2023 Agatha Sullivania Kurniadi, Fenny Irawati, Sulistyo Emantoko Dwi Putra, Poppy Hartatie Hardjo (Author)

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