Peer Review Policy

All review processes are carried out using a single-blind review method and are managed by the editor of Agriprima. This method make Reviewers identities are kept hidden from authors. Every reviewer who is asked to review an article by the agriprima editor must comply with ethics for reviewers.

  • The submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by 2 (two) reviewers for each related topic. The decision of the first reviewer will be the top priority for the editor to make a decision.
  • The manuscript review process may vary depending on the time the reviewer has to review and return the revised manuscript. It generally takes four weeks to complete one round of reviews.
  • Prospective manuscript reviewers are selected based on the suitability of their area of expertise The editor will send an e-mail willingness to become a reviewer. If approved, the Editor will send the manuscript through the OJS-based website.

Review Context

In order to meet the publication standards in Agriprima : Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, the quality of the article content will be reviewed by the reviewer, while several things will be checked by the reviewer, including:

  • Does the title of the article describe the content of the article?
  • Is the background/problem and research objectives presented by the author briefly and clearly?
  • Has the research been carried out using the relevant methodology? Have the writing tools and materials been detailed and complete so that the research can be imitated/repeated by others?
  • Are the research results presented clearly? How does the author review the results of the research? Can the author's review answer the research objectives? Has the author's review been supported with relevant references? Or are there other references that are more relevant than the references used by the author to review the results of his research?
  • Have the conclusions presented by the author have shown the answer to the research objectives? Are test scores/levels presented (not just a general summary)?